Prudential Insurance – one of the largest insurers in the United States – said hackers stole the sensitive information of more than 36,000 people in an incident in February.
In a deposit To Maine regulators on Friday, the company said it detected unauthorized access on Feb. 5, triggering an investigation.
“Through investigation, we learned that the unauthorized third party accessed our network on February 4, 2024 and deleted a small percentage of personal information from our systems,” the breach notification letters state.
The company said the names, addresses, driver’s license numbers or identification cards of 36,545 people were accessed. Law enforcement was notified of the incident and Prudential hired an external cybersecurity firm to help respond.
Prudential Insurance did not respond to requests for comment on which systems were accessed or whether it was a ransomware attack. Victims will receive two years of identity protection services.
The company deposit documents with the SEC on February 13 warning that a “cybercrime group” was able to access “administrative and user data from certain computer systems and a small percentage of company user accounts associated with employees and subcontractors”.
On February 16, the AlphV ransomware gang claims he attacked the company and published it alongside massive mortgage loanDepot.
Prudential Insurance’s posting was one of the group’s last a withdrawal of law enforcement which took place in December. Agencies in the United States, United Kingdom and European Union coordinated a takeover of the gang’s infrastructure, but the group was quickly able to create a new platform.
They continued to post victims until their last, and arguably most impactful, attack involving Changing healthcare. The leaders of the group would have stolen the ransom their subsidiary received from the healthcare company and has since completely shut down operations.
Last week, the US State Department announcement a reward of up to $10 million for information leading to the identification or location of anyone in AlphV.
Prudential insurance reported Last year, an even larger data breach was linked to another ransomware group’s exploitation of a popular file-sharing tool. More than 320,000 people have had their social security numbers and more disclosed.
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