Success Stories: Postdoctoral Research Associate researching in applied mathematics and computer science in India got NIW approval in just 4 days


Customer Testimonial:

“Thank you very much for the good news and for working with me on this EB2-NIW petition. I appreciate the quick responses and meticulous preparation of materials.

November 7th2023 we received another one EB-2 NIW (Renunciation of national interest) endorsement of a postdoctoral research associate in the field of applied mathematics and computer science (Approval notice).

General area: Applied mathematics and computer science

Position at the time of submission of the file: Postdoctoral Research Associate

Native country: India

State of residence at the time of filing: Pennsylvania

Approval notice Date: November 7th2023

Processing time : 4 days (Premium Processing requested)

Summary of the case:

When our client, a Ph.D. and a master’s degree in computer science and working as a postdoctoral research associate in the field of applied mathematics and computer science, hired North American Immigration Law Group to help secure NIW (Renunciation of national interest) approval, we conducted a thorough review of the submitted credentials to determine whether they met the requirements of the Renunciation of national interest provision for EB-2.

After evaluating our client’s incredible research experience, we were confident that we would be able to demonstrate to USCIS that our client had a proposed project that has substantial merit and national significance, that they are able to advance the proposed project and that its entry will potentially greatly benefit the United States.

That’s why we drafted a solid petition package, which included all the relevant information we had collected.

  • We highlighted his research on how to effectively mitigate errors in machine learning and statistical frameworks, addressing some of our nation’s most pressing issues.
  • We knew well that a computer scientist’s conference publications are equivalent to journal publications in other fields. With this in mind, we noted that our client’s research has led to several peer-reviewed scientific articles published in some of the most demanding and high-impact conference proceedings in its field. Due to its wide applicability in the field, his work has been cited more than 200 times according to Google Scholar.
  • Additionally, our client has also conducted peer reviews for authoritative journals and has already completed 66 reviews to date. This objective evidence proves his active and real participation as a judge of the work of other experts in the field.

Additionally, it should be noted that several prestigious government and private organizations have financially supported our client’s research. This proves that our client is an active contributor in the field.

To further strengthen his petition, we have submitted 6 letters of recommendation acquired from his fellow experts in the field, providing further insight into his work and affirming that he is dedicated to the advancement of applied mathematics and computer science , which are matters of crucial national importance. Highly qualified researchers in this field are therefore crucial for the United States. As such, the most talented and brightest researchers should be employed on these tasks, and our client is one of those researchers. Experts agree that its continued participation is integral to the overall success of the business area.

We are excited to share that we have successfully demonstrated our client’s past and current achievements to USCIS. As a result, they granted our client NIW approval of the petition only 4 days after we submitted his file. We express our sincere gratitude to our client and sincerely thank him for choosing our law firm. We wish him all the best in his future endeavors.

North America Immigration Law Group (Chen Immigration Law Associates) is a U.S. immigration law firm dedicated to representing businesses, research institutions and individuals in all 50 U.S. states regarding immigration applications I- 140. We specialize in employment-based immigration applications and have a proven track record of high success rates for the following categories: EB2-NIW (National Interest Waiver), EB1-A (Able-Ability extraordinary), EB1-B (exceptional researcher/professor) and O-1 (Alien with extraordinary abilities).

Our ten thousand I-140 approvals provide unprecedented insight into the trend of USCIS legal decisions

With over 16,000 approved EB-1A, EB-1B, EB-2 NIW, and O-1 cases, we have first-hand information on how USCIS adjudicates I-140 cases. While USCIS has continually modified its adjudication standards for the EB-1A, EB-1B, and EB-2 NIW categories, our firm’s massive database of successful cases gives you unprecedented insight into the trends of USCIS arbitration. We carefully analyze data from all of our cases and apply the results of our analyzes to give our clients up-to-date advice and adapt our strategies to stay on par with the ever-changing landscape of US immigration law. United. With us, you’ll always have access to important updates, strategies, and information so you can make the most informed decisions about your case.

We have helped hundreds and thousands of clients with qualifications and backgrounds similar to yours.

With our huge number of successful petitions, whatever your credentials, whatever your background and area of ​​expertise, whatever your visa status or nationality, chances are we have helped hundreds, if not thousands, of customers like you. Our clients are generally impressed with how well we understand their research and work. Our insight and understanding comes from having handled many cases with similar elements to yours, which helps us design the best strategies for each individual petition.

The vast majority of customers came to us through referrals

For years, our firm has attracted new clients solely through word of mouth, referrals, and positive collaborative experiences shared with them by friends and family. We are proud of our reputation and work hard to ensure that we provide a green card application experience that our clients are happy to share with their friends and colleagues. This is how our approved files increased from 600 in 2013 to more than 3,500 in 2019.

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Notice of approval

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