Black Moroccan Cyberman Claims Cyberattack Against Israel


The Israeli government was the victim of a concerted cyberattack orchestrated by various hacker groups, including Anonymous Soudan, KillNet and Moroccan Black Cyber.

These groups have officially declared a “cyber war”; AKA cyberattack on Israel, posing a large-scale threat to its digital infrastructure. An alliance between Team 1956 and the Moroccan Black Cyber ​​Army was also announced, aimed at countering supporters of Israel.

This collaboration extends to the realization piracy operations against Algeria as a warning due to the actions carried out by Algerian groups against Morocco.

Cyberattack against Israel: hackers united in geopolitics

THE Moroccan Black CyberArmyin particular, allegedly claimed responsibility for a cyberattack against Israel, targeting the country the largest public transport company, Egged, with a DDoS attack, prompting the company to implement a geolock, as reported by FalconFeeds.

Anonymous Sudan, KillNet and Moroccan Black Cyber
Source: Daily Dark web on

Last year, in December 2023, a coalition of hacker groups including LulzSec, PwnedSec, Cyberstine, Marocain Black Cyber Army, ByteVigilante, Anonymous Europa, Ghost of Gaza, XA-71, Arab Anonymous Team, LArSUS GROUP, XCRATS, RCH, BioCRYPT and DPM have declared war on Scandinavia.

cyber attack on Egged
Source: FalconFeeds on X

This statement follows the statement of three Scandinavian hacker teams LulzSeca large group within the hacker community.

LulzSec collaboration

Pro-Hamas and pro-Israel hackers

Additionally, the conflict between Hamas and Israel has spilled over into cyberspace, with pro-Hamas hacker groups launching numerous DDoS cyberattacks on Israel, targeting its government and private websites.

Although these attacks temporarily disrupted services, they did not have a lasting impact.

Pro-Hamas and pro-Israel hackers

Hacking groups such as Killnet have claimed responsibility for attacking Israeli government websites, while Anonymous Sudan, suspected of having ties to Russia, joined forces with Hamas and Killnet to target Israeli media and digital defense systems, including Iron Dome and warning applications.

Additionally, a group identified by Microsoft as Storm-1133 from the Gaza Strip targeted Israeli energy, defense and telecommunications companies earlier this year, indicating the escalation of cyberwarfare amid geopolitical tensions in the region.

The current Israel-Hamas conflict has seriously affected Gaza’s hospitals, many of which are operating at limited capacity due to continued bombardment. More than 28,000 Palestinians have tragically lost their lives and a quarter of Gaza’s population faces starvation.

Efforts led by the United States, Qatar and Egypt aim to secure a ceasefire and the release of around 130 hostages held by Hamas. Meanwhile, Ireland and Spain are urging the European Commission to assess Israel’s respect for human rights in Gaza.

The conflict began with Hamas’s incursion into Israel in October, leading to significant civilian casualties and kidnappings. Israel accuses militants of using civilian infrastructure as shields.

Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only and users take full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber ​​Express assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or consequences of the use of this information.

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