Ransomware payments hit record high in 2023 – Security Week with Tony Anscombe


Video, Ransomware

Considered a “pivotal year for ransomware,” 2023 marked a reversal from the decline in ransomware payments seen the previous year.

Ransomware payments in 2023 hit a record $1.1 billion in 2023, according to a analysis by Chainalysis, a blockchain research company. Calling 2023 a “watershed year for ransomware,” Chainalysis also said last year marked a reversal from the decline seen in 2022, when payments were “only” half the year’s amount. last. The underlying trend – that Ransomware actors were more active last year than the previous year – was also observed by ESET experts in the ESET Threat Report H2 2023 Edition.

What else do we need to know about this trend, what are its wider implications and could cyber insurance partly explain these developments? Find out in the video.

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