Sensitive data would be for sale


A data breach of an Indian bank reportedly opened on the dark web with a threat actor known as “NNN” allegedly offering to sell the database. The Indian bank data leak is believed to be linked to the famous Chennai-based state-owned banking firm and has been posted on new BreachForums.

Data suggests potential Indian bank data breach, with claims of around 990,000 discs available for purchase. The exposed data would cover crucial business details including company names, individual names, mobile numbers, addresses, PINs, cities, states, emails, etc.

Indian Bank Data Breach – In Detail

The threat actor in this case Indian Bank database leak is NNN, releasing details of the breach today. The Cyber ​​Express has sought clarification on this Indian Bank data breach by contacting the bank for an official statement or response. However, at the time of writing, no official communication has been received, leaving the allegations regarding the Indian Bank data breach unverified.

Indian banking data breach
Source: Dark Web

While the threatening actor message indicates potential database breach, Indian bank’s official website appears to be operational with no immediate signs of a cyber attack. This raises questions about the nature of the alleged intrusion, suggesting that the threat actor may have targeted the website’s backend or database rather than a front-end offensive attack.

Commercial dimension of Indian banks database leak

The monetary aspect of the alleged breach is of particular concern, with NNN citing a price of US$130 for the entire leaked database. Cryptocurrency payments including USDT, BTC and ETH are accepted, adding a commercial dimension to the incident.

The Cyber ​​Express highlights the need for official confirmation and rigorous verification of information. The situation highlights the urgency of Indian Bank and relevant authorities to thoroughly investigate, secure sensitive data and take rapid measurements to protect those potentially affected.

The Cyber ​​Express will monitor the situation closely and will update this post as more information on the alleged Indian bank data breach becomes available. The seriousness of the situation requires rapid action to address the potential impact on individuals and businesses associated with Indian banking.

Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only and users take full responsibility for their reliance on it. Le Cyber ​​Express assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or consequences of the use of this information.

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