Medium: Please remove or fix TypeScript code option | by Teri Radichel | Biting Bugs | January 2024


Something is causing my typing to drill down every time I add an area of ​​code that specifies “typed”

You can add a box of code to Medium, which is pretty cool, except when it’s not.

On a Mac, type this:


So you type this key combination and you get a box that looks like this in edit mode:

As you can see, there is (TypeScript) in parentheses, which means it interprets my input as TypeScript and tries to do something behind the screens to automatically format my code, I guess. I don’t have time and I don’t get paid to do reverse engineering, so I’m not going to do it right now.

If you click the down arrow you get a list of options and I always change it to “none” because with TypeScript and some others copy and paste doesn’t work and you can’t format your code either yourself. But that’s not the biggest problem.

TypeScript what are you doing??

Well, I kind of lied. I’m doing a bit of reverse engineering. I went into Chrome Developer Tools after adding the box above with TypeScript as the selected language. This is what I see:

No matter what code runs when you select TypeScript, it produces repeated errors that significantly slow down your typing. Hopefully it doesn’t make anything worse.

This has been happening for a while and it’s surprising that it hasn’t been reported by more people and fixed yet. I don’t use this option, so always disable it quickly, but maybe this article will help solve it.

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Teri Radichel | © 2nd sight laboratory 2023

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