Unlimited Weekly Immigration News Archive: January 5, 2024


Updated immigration rules lead to more visa approvals for STEM workers

According to recent data More foreign workers in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) sector are getting visas and green cards, according to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). The increase in approvals is the result of changing eligibility criteria for two visa categories available to STEM workers: O-1 Visa (for those who have extraordinary abilities or achievements in their field) and EB-2 Visas with National Interest Waiver.

Migrant transfers from Texas to New York continue

Migrant buses from Texas and other Southern states bound for New York are stop in New Jersey to escape New York’s efforts to regulate migrant arrivals. New York City Mayor Eric Adams recently signed an executive order that restricts how and when migrants can be dropped off in the city. “We cannot allow buses carrying people who need our help to arrive without warning at all hours of the day and night,” Adams said at a news conference last week.

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New national immigration laws take effect January 1

Several new state laws this impact on immigrant residents took effect on the first of the year. In Illinois, non-citizens will soon be able to become state police officers, provided they are legally authorized to work in the United States. Advocates say the law aims to address Illinois’ police shortage that the state has long struggled with. several years.

In California, a new law will expand the state’s health insurance program to undocumented immigrants ages 26 to 49. More than 700,000 people will now be eligible for Medi-Cali in 2024, which was previously only open to children and undocumented immigrants over 50.

Labor shortages prompt requests for expanded work permits

A recent influx of migrants and asylum seekers means thousands of potential workers who could fill much-needed positions in different sectors across the United States.

Employers, lawmakers and immigration advocates are call for expanded legal employment options for these newcomers, which would require congressional action on immigration reform and fixes to the current work permit system.

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