Deploy multiple resources by combining micro-template scripts | by Teri Radichel | Cloud Security | November 2023


ACM.406 Deploying multiple resources in an MFA-initiated AWS CLI session into a container ~ or just one of them 😊

Part of my series on Automation of cybersecurity measures. AWS Organizations. I AM. Deploy a static website. THE Coded.

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In the last article, I deployed a user and role to use to deploy our AWS Organizations OUs and accounts using the container I created that requires MFA to perform AWS deployment tasks.

If you’ve been following along, you know that I use the concept of what I call “micro-patterns” and I’ve explained some of the benefits of writing our CloudFormation code that way here:

Every task I run in my container launches a new session and requires MFA. So you might be thinking “Holy Sessions, Batman!” » I don’t want to instantiate a session for each resource I deploy if I’m trying to deploy multiple resources at the same time.

And you would be right.

And here is why micro models remain an advantage and are very flexible.

Here are the scripts that I have implemented so far in my new framework and which can be deployed by the root administrator role (less some, I went to root-organization-administrator role NOW.)

I will add one more to this list – number 11: All rootadmin scripts

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