In a high-stakes cyber conflict, two fearsome Russian hacker groups, namely Killnet and the Cyber Army of Russia, are locked in an ongoing conflict. The Russian Cyber Army is determined to thwart Killnet and its operations, leading to a complex battle.
Adding a new level to this confrontation, Russia’s CyberArmy has set its sights on the website of the Albanian Republican Guard. The move is indicative of the group’s agenda, which seeks to distract Russian hackers from supporting Palestinian groups in the Israelo-Palestinian conflicturging them to focus on the Ukraine-Russia issue.
Russian hacker groups clash over Israeli-Palestinian and Ukrainian-Russian issues
A message, posted on their dark web channels, sums up the determination of the Cyber Army, emphasizing the need to put an end to Killnet’s activities. THE Russian CyberArmy announced a week-long evening campaign DDoS attacks on government websites in Albania and Kosovo.
Their initial target is the Republican Guard of Albania, a vital institution that protects senior officials and vital installations.
Simultaneously, the Israeli-Palestinian war continues to rage, with the Israeli military reporting a staggering 6,000 bombs dropped on Gaza. While Israel claims it is striking Hamas targets, the civilian toll in the affected areas is alarming.
Recent events We saw Israeli forces launch new attacks on airports in Damascus and Aleppo. With 2,500 casualties on both sides, the toll of the war is tragically evident.
The Ukraine-Russia conflict continues
Meanwhile, the tension has spread to others hacking groups In addition, the Ukrainian cyber conflict is becoming increasingly important.
The two leaders hacktivist groups involved in the Ukrainian conflict have committed to defusing cyberattacks, aligning with the rules of engagement recently published by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).
Killnet, prominent pro-Russian the Pirates, have committed to respecting ICRC rules, marking an important step towards a more measured approach. The leader of the group, known as Killmilk, expressed agreement, signaling a potential shift toward peace.
Likewise, the IT Army of Ukraine, which has a significant number of 160,000 members, has also committed to joining the ICRC rules. The move is expected to lead to a reduction in cyberattacks, as the groups focus their efforts on official attacks and military targets.
Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only and users take full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or consequences of the use of this information.
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